Use "gazelle|gazelles" in a sentence

1. It is like the gazelle running faster than other gazelles rather than running faster than cheetahs.

2. E African Gazelle; smallest gazelle.

3. This means that all gazelles are Antelopes, but not all Antelopes are gazelles

4. Gazelles can movewith astonishing velocity.

5. The twins of a gazelle.

6. Gazelles often hop when running.

7. Relentlessly, the gazelle is overhauled.

8. Cheetahs prey includes: gazelles (especially Thomson’s gazelles), impalas and other small to medium-sized antelopes, hares, birds, and rodents

9. By the gazelles+ and the does of the field:

10. 11 The arms race between cheetahs and gazelles, however, is asymmetric.

11. Dun categoria Combustibililor chimici fac parte:carbuni de pamant ,titeiul si gazelle de sonda, gazelle naturale, lemnul etc

12. Cheetahs are used to eating gazelles and shit.

13. Are you the gazelle or the lion?

14. The Arabian gazelle is the only native gazelle species to Qatar and is locally referred to as 'rheem'.

15. The main differences between gazelles and non- Bovidae Antelopes lies in their size and horns: Gazelles are usually much smaller than other Antelopes in height and weight.

16. Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up.

17. Every morning in Africa, a gazelle awakens.

18. Every morning in Africa, a Gazelle wakes up.

19. The Beduins' Gazelle is a beautiful book by Frances Temple

20. But hare and even the odd gazelle were available locally.

21. The gazelle now faces man's most perilous question:

22. In the wild, Thomson's gazelles can live 10–15 years.

23. The impala, the addax, gazelles, gnus, and kudus are all Antelopes

24. Typical desert animals are the gazelle, the fox, and the hare.

25. He can run like a gazelle and jump like a kangaroo.

26. Sumerians caught many fish and hunted fowl and gazelle.

27. Your breasts are like two fawns, twins of a gazelle.

28. Admi definition is - a gazelle (Gazella cuvieri) found in northeastern Africa.

29. She raced across the plain, gaining on the fleet-footed gazelle.

30. True enough, but what about a gazelle running from a cheetah?

31. The lion Crouched in the tall grass, waiting to attack the gazelle

32. As soon as the gazelle lifts its head again, the cheetah freezes.

33. Because he was handsome, to her he resembled “a gazelle.”

34. The wildebeest can provide 10 times as much meat as Thomson's gazelle.

35. The gazelle laid down next to Rama, giving him his own life.

36. We might scare up gazelles, but we'll be going through buffalo country again.

37. An example would be Companies that buy used smartphones, including eBay and Gazelle

38. Ariel definition, a mountain gazelle of Arabia, Gazella gazella arabica: almost extinct

39. The gazelle is one of the swiftest and most graceful of animals.

40. Cheetahs eat small- to medium-size animals, such as hares, impalas, wildebeest calves, and gazelles

41. Whether you choose to be a gazelle or a lion is of no consequence.

42. By such stealth, it can usually get within fifty yards of a solitary gazelle.

43. The game is really one of coevolution, and coevolution is, in this particular picture, between cheetahs and gazelles.

44. Half an hour later the Gazelle returns from task, followed shortly afterwards by the Scout.

45. The sanctuary is also inhabited by other endangered species, including the Arabian gazelle and bustard.

46. It runs at high speed, without the leaping, bounding gait seen in other gazelle species.

47. Grant's gazelle shows high genetic variation among its populations, though there is no geographic isolation.

48. Cora definition is - a gazelle (Gazella arabica) found from Persia to North Africa.

49. It knows it must outrun the slowest Gazelle or it will starve to death.

50. Two Gazelles will go out together and find vantage points from which to observe notional enemy positions.

51. Antithetic ausweisen pole ring swab seulement zavoditi gazelle croustade au fromage vrhove Beilegung/Einlegung (von etw

52. Bovids are one of the largest existing families consisting primarily of cattle, antelopes, gazelles, goats, and sheep

53. From July to September, gazelles move deep into dense brush and wait for the next rains.

54. The sanctuary is also inhabited by other endangered species, including the Arabian gazelle and houbara bustard.

55. in 1929, historians discovered a map, which it been painted onto a piece of gazelle *

56. The Blackbuck is an antelope of the same tribe (Antilopini) that includes gazelles, the springbok, and the gerenuk

57. The Blackbuck is an antelope of the same tribe (Antilopini) that includes gazelles, the springbok, and the gerenuk

58. Whether you are a lion or a gazelle, when the sun rises, you'd better start running.

59. There are bears, turs, wild boars, goitered gazelle (jeyran), wolves, foxes are found here etc.

60. Shyam Sunder has rescued a chinkara gazelle on the outskirts of his town in Rajasthan.

61. She had no choice but to stand like a gazelle frozen by the cruel gaze of the lion.

62. Addax is legally protected in Morocco, Tunisia, and Algeria; hunting of all gazelles is forbidden in Libya and Egypt.

63. Make one with gazelle and judy hoops from the movie zootopia and have them Beballed please

64. Your two breasts are like fawns , like fawns of a gazelle that browse among the lilies.

65. * The unclean person and the clean person may eat it, as you would eat a gazelle or a deer.

66. bovid (plural Bovids) An animal of the family Bovidae (such as the antelope, gazelle, goat, and sheep).

67. Combustibili Prin combustibil se intelege orice substanta, sau amestecuri de substante, care in urma unei reactii chimice de ardere, produce o mare cantitate de caldura.Din categoria Combustibililor chimici fac parte:carbuni de pamant , titeiul si gazelle de sonda, gazelle naturale, lemnul etc

68. “Clean,” Cud-chewing animals included the stag, gazelle, roebuck, antelope, chamois, domestic and wild cattle, sheep, and goats.

69. The Caracal cat is a unique cat that is also referred to as desert lynx, Persian lynx, or even gazelle cat

70. Bovids of the World is the first comprehensive field guide to cover all 279 bovid species, including antelopes, gazelles, cattle, buffaloes, sheep, and goats

71. Bovids of the World is the first comprehensive field guide to cover all 279 bovid species, including antelopes, gazelles, cattle, buffaloes, sheep, and goats

72. Arabian Gazelles is more than an exclusive club, we inspire and get inspired by women who are bold and not afraid of breaking stereotypes

73. Of the Bovidae, there are about 50 kinds of animals considered Antelopes, such as the gazelle, the impala, and the wildebeest

74. An animal of the family Bovidae (such as the antelope, gazelle, goat, and sheep).··Alternative form of Bovideu

75. (The North American pronghorn antelope looks and acts much like a gazelle but is not closely related to the Antelopes.

76. But if the gazelle grazes in a herd of a hundred or so, its chances of survival are dramatically better.

77. You get the boy to give up Gazelle or I'm closing shop on your tweaker ass... and I'm taking you down fucking hard.

78. "Bitchy", is a woman who goes after what she wants, and tears right into it like a lion into a gazelle

79. The tools were found alongside gazelle bones and lumps of charcoal, indicating the presence of fire and probably of cooking in the cave.

80. Any of various ruminant mammals of the family Bovidae, having hoofs and unbranched hollow horns, and including the cattle, sheep, goats, and gazelles.